Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day Without Cars

Today was the official city day without cars. Without much surprise, traffic jams were tremendous. It mirrors the Russian logic 'If it's the day without cars, I can take mine and the traffic will be easy'. When more than 7 millions people think the same, you can imagine the result. The effort of the city was quite useless. Imagine it, they advertised the event during the week before...in the metro (??). It sounds like everything was calculated to make that day a failure.
Because to be honest, when you think about it, what do you want to see when you go to work. Hope it will motivate for next year.

(Photos: Dirrty Frank, metro addicted)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

on est tellement blases... tu mets un joli ptit boule et 0 comment!!!
Faut dire, elles ont plutot la facheuse tendance a etre derriere des volants d'infinitis que dans le metro en ce moment donc c'est devenu rare ce genre d'oiseau dans les escalators... A belaevo, pas vu depuis 1 an en fait...

Voyage Russie Guide de voyage Moscou