Saturday, March 20, 2010

La Loi du plus Fort

Après l'accident du président de Lukoil avec une voiture de particuliers qui a coûté la vie à deux honnêtes gens, le débat fait encore rage. En effet, aucune poursuite n'est envisagé juqu'à nouvel ordre. Un scandale que ne manque pas de relayer l'opinion publique.

Let me introduce myself, My name is Anatoly Barkov I do not have any wings or any vampire eyeteeth. On my position I do not need these stupid accessories. Let the hard rock musicians have these silly, satanic things. You know, being of a vice president of Lukoil is not that simple. I have to look solid without any rubbish. I do not look like evil at all. I am a person of a quite different level, a creature of a really high power.

I do not know problems, which could not be solved by corruption. I do not know people, whos lives are more important than my interests. It does not touch me what media will write about me. If you are on the way for my Mercedes- does not matter- it will always be YOUR fault in an accident.

Ref: Mercedes S 666, get out from my way, Plebeian, do not try to stay on it!Silly Plebeian, shake! Patricians are on the road!Hurry! We are late on a way to a Hell,Keep away from our carriages.

In a Hell I will be boiled next to Evsukov (a policeman who shot and killed innocent people in a supermarket in Moscow in April 2009). But now I am OK and wrapped up with everything. I am insured 100% from any troubles. By the way I am in touch with Vova(V.Putin).

I have an ability to change even TIME and SPACE. Suddenly all the video cameras are off If there is any proof of my crime. And just put meaning of people deep in your... Ordinary people talking and talking, and so they will be quiet after all. Like a little dog yapping at an elephant. But he will always have a good reputation in any case. I can honestly admit that I do not really remember Who were Vera Sidelnikova and Aleksadrina Olga (the ladies, who were killed in this tragic accident).

Ref: Mercedes S 666, get out from my way, Plebeian, do not try to stay on it!Silly Plebeian, shake! Patricians are on the road!Hurry! We are late on a way to a Hell,Keep away from our carriages.

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